It is worth us pointing out that as all slot games are random, then the figures presented to you below are based on averages, and it may take a lot more or a lot fewer base game spins on the following slots before triggering their respective bonus games. In this guide, we are going to take a look at just how long you should have to wait before triggering a set of free spins on the most popular online slots! Free Spins Slotsīy this we mean just how many individual base game spins on that slot you should have to play before the free spins are awarded, the way in we have worked the following information out is by discovering just how many bonus game awarding scatter symbols are on each reel along with finding out how many other reel symbols are on that reel and then doing the necessary mathematics to work out an average hit rate value! That's quite common, considering slots are as random as they can be, but players are always looking for ways to optimise slot playing techniques with bonus game strategies. Sometimes triggering Free Spins comes within the first few rounds, other times it feels like an eternity.